
Monday, January 11, 2016

LG WebOS TV Remote : What else to check and try if you still cannot connect

If you cannot connect to the Television and tried already what was indicated here then this might interest you.

One additional step is to check if your phone can find the TV on your network via another application for windows phone. This way if this also does not work it might not be related the application but to your network or network configuration of your phone and/or tv.

There are free application you can use in order to check this on the Store.

One of them is "Admin Tools", you can find on the store.

After you download it go in "Ping" and enter in the first box the IP for the TV .
Under TCP port put 3000 and tap on "Check port".

It should return you Port is open like on the screen above

If not please verify your network settings, specially on your router, phone and TV

This helped a lot recently as from one day to another the connection was not working anymore with the TV. I had everytime to reboot my phone... very annoying..

I figured out that it happened since i change my router. The new one is a dual band and i was suspecting the connection to fail once the TV and the phone were on a different band (even if it should not be the case).

Since i disabled one of a the band, the connection is working all of the time. (i use connect by IP).

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